Wednesday, April 16, 2008

- Confused -

I'm really confused..
Where's my confidence, encourage and faith gone?
What happened to me already and i'm really doubt with myself...
I never have this feeling before or i'm too weak facing problems nowadays?

Where my confidence gone when i'm doubt?

Where my encourage gone when i wanna know bout myself?

Where my faith gone when i wanna to believe in myself?

And i wanna get it back right now...
God please give me direction and sign~~

Cigar is your bestfriend because they will accompany you at every moment and any feeling that you having now~

P/S: Dont misunderstood, i'm not advising you to smoke and plz don't give it a try!!


ahxian said...

total agree... man's best friend = cigar... hahaha

cHangtZe said...

haha.. xian totally agree rite~~
it will acc u no matter you're wat mood~~ happy sad nervous....

s1m said...

Know how to advice ppl out of cigar but not urself.. herm.. don feel depress anyway.. Jia You ! =3

cHangtZe said...

sim~~ trying to quit it

Angel Wong said...

best friend?
i dunno...but i bet there's an alternative: alcohol~!!

PK said...

music is another best friend will accompany all da time...^_^